I was wondering if you guys would be interested in doing a keepers league live auction draft. Yahoo has settings that allow you to assign keepers per team as well as values per keeper now, so we wouldn't have to track any of that stuff. Is anyone interested?
The only thing we would have to do is figure out how to inflate/deflate player values, and I would vote to make the system as simple as possible:
1) We decide on 1 or 2 independent player evaluation systems and agree to use their player prices based on our league settings.
2) Change player values based on the following at the end of each season:
* If the player is not on a team, auction draft for him.
* If the player is on a team, inflate or deflate their value at 50% (negotiable) of the difference in prices.
- Example 1: I get
Hanley young and cheap for $10 and our system values him @ $40 for the next 3 years. I get to benefit from him @ $25 in year 1, then $32 in year 2, then $36 in year 3.
- Example 2: I have Jake
Peavy @ $40, but now he sucks and is only worth $15 the next 3 years. I can either drop him, or suck it up and pay him $28 next year, then $21, etc.
Obviously, this is just an idea and would be open for criticism, but before everyone starts posting their ideas on how to fix the league (Connor), I was wondering if there was any interest from the current keepers league. I
dont want to go get random people to fill out this league. If this works out well, I would even be in favor of making this the only Keepers league (because lets face it, my avg SP age is 26 (not counting Matusz and Porcello) and my avg starting offensive player is 27....my team is gonna be really good for a while, even if I
dont pick up any prospects for the next 3 years. A new league would be fun).
The thing I really like about the keepers auction is that everyone has the same salary. If you are in last and you want to invest in prospects, you can make your own salary by dropping players, trading, etc. We will have teams that have 1 or 2 great years, then are destroyed by high salaries the next year. I think it would be a lot of fun.