Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Plus League

Nobody has posted in 24 hours...which obviously means that everyone is planning last minute trades and conspiracy plots for round 3. Anyway, to break the silence, I thouhgt I would once again propose the Plus League Idea. It would be fun...bobble head prizes or shirts...trophies etc. Plus, it cost less than what we will pay for stat tracker alone (and stat tracker is included in the plus league package). Last remember, I think we had like 5 people that were in, and then we had Kyle who makes enough in an hour to pay for the whole league but wont pony up the 9 bucks.

Its only 9 bucks....also, I will pay for anyone who wants me to in return for them giving me draft dollars/players (yes i know this is illegal, but it could cause an uproar amongst league I want to be involved)


TheFeatheredWarrior said...

Like I already said, I'm in for $8.33, but I refuse on principle to pay one cent more. I doubt there is another member in the league poorer than I am right now.

Lance said...

Because I fully intend to win this league consider me a vehement supporter of the PLUS league.

Zach said...

I am too...I know Connor and I think steve is too...Kyle is making 110 dollars an hour so he is forced to be in. Steve, can you ask your Connecticut friends if they want to join?

Andys827 said...

Im in

Connor Tapp said...

I don't think we should do it without 100% participation, even though we could still get it for less than $9.99 per with less than 100% participation.

But I'm all for it.

Lance said...

I am willing to subsidize some members of the league - seeing as you all subsidize my job by paying taxes.

As always, you're welcome: the Homeland is safe

Connor Tapp said...

In theory, I wouldn't mind doing the same thing. But I think once you put that on the table, it's difficult to mobilize everyone to sign up. After all, how sweet would it be to be one of the lucky free riders?