Monday, October 26, 2009

Draft, etc.

Soon after the World Series (or more importantly for me, after my November 6 exam) I will assign draft dollars and compose rules that codify what we did last year. If anyone thinks there are particular aspects from last year that should be improved and you have a way to do it (not changing the entire system; a mere modification that maintains the essence of the draft) please post it as a comment to this thread.


Kyle Warnock said...

i didn't like last second trades. Really makes it hard for some of us to counter trades that happen/are posted a minute before the deadline. Doesn't allow the person in the lead for points to have any reaction time even if the trade was actually made previously.

Also we need to define what a trade is, because Elliot and I made a trade, agreed to only release details if it was necessary and then details were fought over after that and never reagreed upon. My vote is that you must have a post from each manager on the website and must be 12 hours before the drop dead time for sending in your vote unless someone leapfrogged you in draft dollars.

Also, allow variable trades (aka the difference between my draft dollars and the person in 1st for draft dollars + 1)

Thing was last year I had people trying to force me to make trades because they knew someone else had a trade being made or they were blackmailing me into trading so I could get the 1st pick (which I didn't do) and that was bull (not so much I didn't get the 1st pick, cause I'm past that, but the blackmailing). We need to fix something that doesn't allow people to blackmail because they know what is going on. The 12 hour (set whatever amount) allows for managers to react if they are hopped and they have a chance to counter/recounter if necessary

Zach said...

No last second trades - Fine with me. How about any trades within 48 hours of the draft round deadline cannot be completed until after that round of the draft?

What a trade is? A trade in the post season is a post displaying the trade and acknowledgement from both managers on the message board. Anything less is not a trade.

Variable trading: if you and the person you are trading with agree to this, I dont see whats wrong with that. It just means the person giving up his draft dollars is at risk of losing all of his dollars if the person in first place increases his amount. Remember, the "variable" would have to be posted on the blog and agreed to by both managers.

Blackmail, etc: I dont really understand this. If you could give a specific example of blackmail, that would help. The draft is competitive, so someone isnt going to get his way.

Remember, even with the 48 hour deadline (or 12 hour), someone can make a trade right before that deadline and catch everyone off guard and screw you over just like last year. Even though you have 48 hours to "react", the rules will not allow you to make a counter trade until after the round is over. If you would like the 48 hour window to protest a trade, thats fine with me. However, we have never had a legitimate trade get vetoed in this league (Elliots soriano trade has been the only veto and he was not being serious).

Kyle Warnock said...

Also, I think that you should be able to cross the 24 person mark anytime during the draft, and be responsible to only drop to below 24 before nomination for the next round. I think two people lost out on players because of this.

If I remember correctly, before last year you had a redrop period AFTER the draft. So during the draft you could get up to however many players you want. The change in that rule was unknown to me last year so I want to have it clarified this year. But if you have the money to win a draft pick, you should get the player, but not be able to draft or start the season again until you get under 24.

Zach said...
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Zach said...

The number you are looking for is 27, not 24. We are at 24 after the drop right now. 27 is our roster size throughout the year. So, we have 3 free pickups during the draft.

Personally, I think you should have a max of 27 at all times. If you go above 27, you should have to drop to 27 immediately. I guess we could vote on the idea.

Kyle Warnock said...

That's the rule that it has been in the past. BUT during the 2-3 days or whatever between round X and round X + 1, why can't you pick someone up (to put you at 28) if you have the money to win them? Why should you have to 1st drop someone that no one can pick up anyway until the next round when you aren't sure you are even going to get someone?

We had a case last year where Zach I think won someone that myself (or maybe Elliot or Lance or someone) should have won except we didn't get him because we already had 27 people. Why couldn't that person have been won, then the person who had 28 be responsible to drop a person within 24 hours? Nothing happens in those 24 hours. No one could pick a person up.

That was how I assumed it to be last year since we always allowed someone to drop someone immediately (AFTER) they won the bid. You didn't have to name who you were dropping to bid.... until last year. I'm not saying let someone pickup 35 people and hold em until the end of the draft, I'm talking about on a round by round basis. So everyone is 27 or below before every round starts.