Monday, February 2, 2009

New Stats

I have been reading through some of the new ways of analyzing stats and i thought this one was pretty good:

"BK/P is a new stat I made up, showing how many birds a pitcher accidentally kills per pitches thrown. Currently, Randy Johnson leads the world in this category, with .000018. I rounded up.
Fantasy Properties: Good in judging a pitcher's capacity as a stone-throwing fighter in caveman times, in case you ever find yourself on the wrong end of a time traveling experiment. Not good for anything else."


Connor Tapp said...

Dammit, I was just about to unveil BK/PA (birds killed per plate appearance).

Of course, Pedro Seranno leads all fictional and non-fictional batters in this category.

I think we are all too familiar by now with the leader in BK/CAF (birds killed per commercial airline flight).

Lance said...

PHR/OPS (PHR= 'Professional Hitter' References).

Clearly, David Eckstein is the all-time leader in the category.