Tuesday, December 23, 2008

RE: Last Post

OK, I am confused. Connor proposed that we dont drop players during the draft right after we draft someone. Understandable. So, let me see if I understand what we are doing this year.

1) We all have to drop 3 into a pool
2) We draft from this pool and the free agent pool at the end of last year
3) We do a second draft from the new pool of free agents (Japanese, minor league, etc) later on
4) We drop players after this second draft to the free agents list
5) Season starts and we have a new list of drop 3 created from the last draft that people will want to pick up.

WTF? We drop 3, add 3, add 3, drop 3, then add and drop at the same time. If we want to do the drop 3 rule, thats cool. How about we combine all of this mess into 1 draft. So, here is what would happen:

1) We all do the drop 3
2) We take those players, last year's FA list and all the new japanese and minor league players and use this pool of player to draft from with our draft dollars.

This way, we dont have to worry about the add/drop rule during the draft because we will all have 3 spots open on our teams. Also, it makes draft dollars slightly more valuable which will make offseason trading more fun. AND, most importantly, it makes things much easier.

What do you guys think?


Zach said...

Oh yea...I also dont agree with the draft 3 and you are done. If you want to draft 4 or 5, by all means go ahead. I doubt someone will be able to get 4 or 5 players they want. I do agree though if this situation happens, that person has to wait until after the draft to drop the remaining players from his team.

Connor Tapp said...

I would be open to the propsoal you posited in your comment.

But I think you're the only one that thinks we're doing the first draft setup you mentioned.

Steve said...

We're definitely already doing the second draft setup you mentioned. I also think your proposal of drafting as much as you want without having to drop on the spot is ok. Those players you drop would then be on waivers with everyone else at the start of the season.

Zach said...

So, we arent doing the drop 3 draft? If not, then lets set a date when everyone has to get their rosters to 24 people and then have a draft with everyone.

BTW, I think it needs to be a live draft. They dont add all the minor leaguers until march sometimes, and we cant wait that long to to the draft via blog.

Connor Tapp said...

Didn't we already have Jan. 15th as that date?

I think having an all-day auction would be problematic. Why would anyone outdo the last bid until the last second? Then, there would be a blogging clusterfuck as everyone tried to enter the same $+1 bid at the same time.

That said, I can't really think of a fair solution.

Connor Tapp said...

outdo the *opening* bid

Connor Tapp said...

*and by "all day auction", i was referring to the 24-hour auction for each player